
Anchor follows the JSON:API specification, which is a set of rules for how a client can request data from and interact with a server that delivers that data in JSON format. With this specification, clients can request resources such as customers, virtual Account, transfers, and more.

The JSON:API specification is designed to make communication between clients and servers as efficient as possible by minimizing the number of requests and amount of data that needs to be transmitted. This is achieved without compromising flexibility, discoverability, or readability.

All JSON:API requests and responses are structured as JSON documents, which contain one of the following top-level members:

  • data: This represents the "primary data" of the document. For example, when creating an individual application resource, the primary data would contain that individual's personal information.
  • errors: This is an array of error objects that describe any errors that may have occurred during the request.
  • For requests that target single resources, the primary data must be a single resource object. For requests that target resource collections, the primary data must be an array of resource objects.

By following the JSON:API specification, Anchor's API provides a consistent, efficient, and easy-to-use interface for clients to interact with.

  "data": {
    "type": "depositAccount",
    "id": "123",
    "attributes": {
       // ... this account's attributes
            "relationships": {
                // ... this account's relationships