
Some of our APIs support idempotency for safely retrying requests and assume that its work will be done no more than once.

The following API operations have idempotency enabled for them:

  • Transfers
  • VirtualNubans
  • BulkTransfer

To perform an idempotent request, the client/API caller needs to add x-anchor-idempotent-key: key to the header. The key can be any string that uniquely identifies your request. If the value for the key is empty or null, the idempotency feature will not kick in. In other words, the idempotency feature kicks in and only if the key is present. Results of successful requests with x-anchor-idempotent-key: key will be saved and returned on every subsequent request with the same x-anchor-idempotent-key: key.

Idempotency keys are guaranteed effective for 24 hours from the time they're used successfully. After this time window, they will be recycled and existing keys will therefore be treated as new.



Idempotency keys are not shared between different API operations, so you could potentially use the same idempotency key for different types of operations, although we do not recommended it.