Manage Deposit Account
Freeze Deposit Account
To freeze a deposit account created on Anchor, send a POST request to /accounts/{accountId}/freeze
with the required parameters.
Method | Endpoint |
POST | {{baseUrl}}/api/v1/accounts/{accountId}/freeze |
Here is a sample request payload:
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-anchor-key: <API Key>' \
--data '
"data": {
"type": "DepositAccount",
"attributes": {
"freezeReason": "FRAUD",
"freezeDescription": "Fraudulent transactions"
"data": {
"id": "17145771745590-anc_acc",
"type": "DepositAccount",
"attributes": {
"createdAt": "2024-05-01T15:26:15",
"bank": {
"id": "16565854883910-anc_bk",
"cbnCode": "",
"nipCode": "090365"
"metadata": {},
"freezeReason": "FRAUD",
"accountName": "Frank Frank",
"frozen": true,
"frozenBy": "CUSTOMER",
"currency": "NGN",
"accountNumber": "******5077",
"type": "SAVINGS",
"freezeDescription": "Fraudulent transactions",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"relationships": {
"virtualNubans": {
"data": [
"id": "17145771747610-anc_va",
"type": "VirtualNuban"
"customer": {
"data": {
"id": "169558360676414-anc_ind_cst",
"type": "IndividualCustomer"
Unfreeze Deposit Account
To unfreeze a deposit account, make a POST request to /accounts/unfreeze
endpoint and pass the deposit account id in the body of the payload.
Method | Endpoint |
POST | {{baseUrl}}/api/v1/accounts/unfreeze |
Below is a sample payload:
curl --location '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-anchor-key: <API Key>' \
--data '{
"data": {
"id": "172286425432341-anc_acc",
"type": "DepositAccount",
"attributes": {}
"data": {
"id": "17145771745590-anc_acc",
"type": "DepositAccount",
"attributes": {
"createdAt": "2024-05-01T15:26:15",
"bank": {
"id": "16565854883910-anc_bk",
"cbnCode": "",
"nipCode": "090365"
"metadata": {},
"accountName": "Frank Frank",
"frozen": false,
"frozenBy": "CUSTOMER",
"currency": "NGN",
"accountNumber": "******5077",
"type": "SAVINGS",
"status": "ACTIVE"
"relationships": {
"virtualNubans": {
"data": [
"id": "17145771747610-anc_va",
"type": "VirtualNuban"
"customer": {
"data": {
"id": "169558360676414-anc_ind_cst",
"type": "IndividualCustomer"
Update Deposit Account
You can use the endpoint /api/v1/accounts/{accountId}
to update a deposit account’s metadata and/or move an deposit account from one product to another product. e.g from OPS Account to CURRENT account.
Method | Endpoint |
PATCH | {{baseUrl}}/api/v1/accounts/{accountId} |
Updated 6 months ago